• What to Expect from Laser Hair Removal

    Depending on the size and location of the area to be treated, a laser hair removal session can last up to one hour. Most treatments are completed in less than a half hour. 

  • Laser hair removal is only effective in treating hair follicles that are in the active growth stage. Because hair grows in various stages, multiple treatments are needed for optimal results. Depending on your specific condition, you may need 4 - 10 treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart.

  • Laser hair removal is generally considered a comfortable procedure. Most patients describe the sensation as being similar to a rubber band snap. You may notice a strong odor of singed hair, which is normal.  Discomfort is mild and usually disappears within 2 - 3 hours of treatment.








How does the treatment work?

The area to be treated is cleansed it should be previously shaved. No topical numbing cream is required thanks to the cooling tip technology. The treatment area is scanned with the laser, which emits a specific wavelength that is absorbed into the hair follicle. The follicle is heated and damaged, putting an end to hair growth.    While some hairs are immediately incinerator during treatment many are not and may take weeks to fall out.


How many treatments are required?

Hair growth can only be affected during the anagen hair growth cycle. Several sessions are required to destroy all hair follicles.

Is Laser Hair Removal safe?

Laser hair removal treatments are safest and most effective on light skin and dark hairs.

It is not effective on red, grey or white hairs.

A variety of lasers have been FDA approved for hair removal. Are there any possible side effects?

You may experience stinging, mild swelling and redness immediately after treatment. These effects are temporary, as are the rare appearance of blisters.


Will there be any downtime?

No, you may return to your normal daily routine immediately. With the precaution of avoiding the sun two weeks before and two weeks after the procedure


How soon will I see Results?

The hair that was treated will begin to work its way out of the follicle and will start to fall out between 10 to 14 days after the treatment.


Are there any potential side effects?

Common effects of laser treatments are swelling, redness, irritated follicles, itching, tingling or numbness around treated areas. Not common and rare adverse effects are blisters and burns. These are typically caused by untrained operators or defective equipment.

Hypo or Hyper pigmentation may occur but is unlikely to be permanent. Most effects resolve within hours to days of treatment. Cold compresses and hydrocortisone cream can greatly help any discomfort.

Laser hair treatment can often trigger a herpes outbreak can occur in patients infected with the virus. A virus suppressant medication may be taken to prevent such reactions.